Ancestral Supplements Grassfed Colostrum
- Based on the ancient ancestral wisdom that "like supports like." Consuming colostrum may support a healthy gut and immune system.
- Based on the ancient ancestral wisdom that "like supports like." Colostrum may promote human growth and cellular, tissue, and organ repair.
- Colostrum provides all the building blocks - bioactive and nutritionally intact - with the specific vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and amino acids
- For gut support: take 3 to 6 capsules on an empty stomach.
- Recommended as an integral part of a nose-to-tail keto or carnivore diet by Paul Saladino, MD (author of The Carnivore Code)
— Every mammal's birthright is to receive colostrum as our first food. Colostrum is the fundamental nourishment that provides all the essentials to thrive as a healthy animal in nature. It is loaded with immune factors, growth factors, and protective proteins. It is not only essential to mammals in the wild, but its powerful immune-supportive compounds help us to prevent diseases and assist in speedy recovery from injury. —
For most of human history, we effortlessly consumed (nose-to-tail) the things we needed for strength, health, and happiness. Like the fertile ground that we once walked upon, we were a natural extension of this earth. In our modern world, we unknowingly struggle to fulfill our lifestyle and nutritional needs in order to support and sustain a vibrant, disease-free life. We are now part of a world where viral and bacterial infections, allergies, and compromised immune systems are common problems for most of humanity. People struggle to heal from disease and struggle to recover from injury. I believe that the ultimate solution is a return to ancestral living (see About Us page).
Whole food nutrient-dense organs, glands, and the regular use of Grass Fed Colostrum can provide great benefit for those seeking targeted support in harmony with nature... the way our early ancestors did. Grass Fed Colostrum is a whole-food dietary supplement that provides pure bovine colostrum — bioactive and nutritionally intact — with all of the specific vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and amino acids to fight disease, destroy pathogens, and promote human growth and cellular repair. Reclaim your primal birthright to ultimate health with Grass Fed Colostrum…
Upon rolling hills of the lush pasture mother cow moans and moos calling to her soon-to-be-born baby calf. She stands upright head tilted toward the heavens calling out in a deeper mood than usual. In the village center, some women hear the faraway call… they put down their weaving and hurry to alert the men. Swiftly, they gather their clay pots, and the small tribe heads off across the pasture to greet their bovine companion and her newborn. Small children follow close behind, excited to see the birthing of the new calf and partake in the ritual of consuming the first milk.
As they arrive, mother cow has just begun her birthing process, she moans, deeply bellows and within what seems like an instant her calf falls to the swaying grass with a thud. The tribe has been awaiting the birth of the calf for many weeks now. As the calf begins to suckle from one of mom's udders, the tribesmen place their clay pots beneath her other udders and the children watch eagerly as the golden liquid drips from each udder in abundance into their hand-molded vessels. The children have witnessed the birth of many calves in their village and they remember the sweet taste of the golden gift. Little calf falls to sleep with a full belly... one of the tribesmen gathers more liquid gold, from the mother cow, to fill his pot. He leaves the rest for the calf, and the tribe says a prayer of gratitude for the cow, the healthy calf, and the gift mother has bestowed upon them. They have an inner knowing that all life is sacred. They honor the new life by consuming the first milk, taking part in the celebration of birth, health, and abundance, a gift from the creator…
Our ancient ancestors have had a symbiotic relationship with bovines for thousands of years… Within a cave in Lascaux, France, using pulverized iron and charcoal, our ancestors painted images of cattle. These are the oldest cave paintings we know of dating back to over 20,000 years ago. (1) We have long been hunting cattle for food and for clothing, but we have also been collecting their milk for centuries… Many believe that even Neanderthals gathered and consumed ancient mammalian colostrum that allowed them to grow incredibly robust, with an incredible amount of muscle mass. The colostrum, milk, organs, and fat from ancient mammals are believed to be what supported our ancestors to thrive in such extreme conditions, like the end of an ice age. (2)
Our ancestors’ relationship with bovines allowed us to survive, thrive, and advance our species throughout history. Cattle played a vital role in our primitive agriculture and were at the epicenter of the foundation of our earliest civilizations. It’s no surprise that our ancestors cherished the first milk produced by the mother cow, and derived great value from consuming it…
Colostrum is the primary milk, produced by every mammalian mother within the first few hours following her infant’s birth. It is often referred to as “liquid gold” not only because of its rich golden color tones but because it is the fundamental food that newborn mammals actually depend upon for their survival. This highly concentrated, vitamin, mineral, and enzyme-entangled superfood provides each newborn with all of the building blocks necessary to develop a healthy immune system. In nature, every mammal receives colostrum as their first food and we too, can share and benefit from this primal birthright…
Colostrum is one of the richest pillars of antibodies and amino acids, used for centuries to support immune and growth factors during the most significant stages of life... our earliest. Filled with, nutrient-dense vitamins, minerals, and cofactors, Colostrum has truly set the foundation of fundamental support for mother nature's newest additions.
Our infant brethren are not the only mammalians that have discovered the many benefits "liquid gold" has to offer. Grass Fed Colostrum contains compounds that help the immune system and muscle growth for even those in their wisest years. Colostrum can also support thymus function, reduce signs of aging, improve digestive health, heal wounds, reduce inflammation and improve muscle tone. (5)
Traditional peoples, Native Americans, and early ancestral healers believed that eating the organs from a healthy animal would strengthen and support the health of the corresponding organ of the individual. For instance, the traditional way of treating a person with a weak heart was to feed the person the heart of a healthy animal. Similarly, consuming the colostrum, or the first milk of a mother animal, was believed to provide the person with protection, strength, and overall lifelong health…
Grass Fed Colostrum is an ancient solution for people struggling with conditions related to auto-immunity, leaky gut, and weak and fragile immune systems (including allergies). (5) Grass Fed Colostrum is a preventative food substance and dietary supplement that fights disease and destroys unwanted pathogens. It is not only essential to mammals in the wild, but its powerful immune-supportive compounds strengthen our immune systems, help us to prevent diseases, and its growth factors assist in speedy recovery from injury, and increase our athletic performance.
Many people look to ”like supports like" while neglecting the very fundamental nourishment that governs our biology, health, and well-being. It's no wonder that so many people successfully support immune system health conditions, boost their overall health and well-being, increase their muscle mass and even generate a more youthful appearance by simply nourishing their bodies with nature’s first food.*
There are many ancestral records of praise given for colostrum throughout history. For thousands of years Ayurvedic medical practitioners have used colostrum for its healing benefits, and in India, cows are still considered sacred animals. Hieroglyphic texts show that colostrum was used by the Ancient Egyptians as well... There is a well-known image of Hathor, the cow goddess, and symbol of rebirth, where she is depicted suckling the Pharaoh, offering her colostrum as the elixir of metamorphosis to confer immortality upon the king. (3)
Our ancestors knew that colostrum was a sacred gift of ultimate nutrition, but only recently have we conducted modern research to uphold their ancestral wisdom. Colostrum is so intricate, scientists are still unraveling this golden web.
Grass Fed Colostrum is a complex, whole-food ancestral nutrition source composed of the following(5):
Immunoglobulins (IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG, IgM): The primary immune factors in colostrum.
PRPs (Proline-rich Polypeptides): Shown to help regulate the thymus gland (the body's central command for the immune system). PRPs can both stimulate a weakened immune system and/or balance an overactive immune system, as is the case of many autoimmune diseases.
Lactoferrin: An iron-binding protein with antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and many other properties. Lactoferrin has been used in the treatment of such diseases as cancer, HIV, herpes, chronic fatigue, candida Albicans, and other infections.
Glycoproteins: (protease and trypsin inhibitors): Protect the immune and growth factors in colostrum from destruction by the digestive juices in the stomach and intestinal tract.
Lactalbumins: Research indicates tremendous possibilities that Lactalbumins can be highly effective against numerous forms of cancer and viruses. Lactalbumin has also been shown in vulnerable subjects to raise brain serotonin activity, reduce cortisol concentration, and improve mood under stress.
Cytokines, Interleukins, Interferon, and Lymphokines: Chemicals that are involved in cell-to-cell communication, antiviral and anti-tumor activity, and regulation and intensity of immune responses. Cytokines: Increase T-cell activity and stimulate the production of immunoglobulins. One cytokine, interleukin-10, is a potent anti-inflammatory agent that has been shown to have a profound effect on pain relief. Interleukins have shown particular promise in fighting cancer.
Lysozyme: Helps protect the body from bacterial infections and has actually been shown to destroy bacteria on contact. May be used as an effective topical antibiotic.
Epithelial Growth Factor (EGF): EGF is instrumental in protecting and maintaining the skin. Along with the other growth factors in colostrum, EGF can stimulate normal skin growth and repair cellular tissue.
Insulin-like Growth Factor I and II (IGF-I & IGF-II): IGF I & II are the most abundant growth factors in colostrum. They affect how the body uses fat, protein, and sugar. IGF-I is one of the only substances known to stimulate the repair and growth of DNA and RNA, making it one of the most powerful anti-aging substances. IGF-I has been clinically proven to help increase lean muscle mass and may help regulate blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
Transforming Growth Factors A & B (TGF A & B): TGF stimulates the proliferation of cells in connective tissue and assists in the formation of bone and cartilage. It is also showing promise as a therapeutic agent in bone and wound healing. TGF can help repair tissue and may support the development of the growth of the lining of the gut.
Platelet-Derived Growth Factor (PDGF): PDGF has been shown to help with cell division in connective tissue, smooth muscle, and fibroblasts. It may also assist in neuron survival and regeneration.
Colostrum is more than a supplement—it is the primary food for every newborn mammal. Its extraordinary combination of vitamins and minerals is naturally occurring and in perfect combination.
Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins that are found in colostrum.
Lactose is present in trace amounts in colostrum. During the first 24 hours of production, the colostrum has the lowest levels of lactose. Most people with lactose intolerance can tolerate Grass Fed Colostrum with no side effects, and since the regular use of colostrum heals the intestinal wall it can reduce or eliminate many food allergies including allergies to lactose.
Our ancient ancestors intuitively knew the benefits of bovine colostrum for newborns, as well as for people of all ages. Through modern studies, we now have the science to prove that bovine colostrum may provide us with greater benefits than human colostrum. This is due to a difference in the placenta of humans and cows. The human placenta allows the passage of immunoglobulin G (IgG), which is responsible for establishing systemic immunity, from mother to fetus. This means that a human baby is born with an immune system that is ready to defend the newborn against infection.
The placenta of the cow, however, does not allow the passage of IgG from the mother to fetus. When the calf is born, it is completely unprotected from infection and needs the IgG in the mother’s colostrum to survive. Thus, bovine colostrum contains predominantly IgG (over 85% of total immunoglobulin) while human colostrum contains predominantly immunoglobulin A (IgA), which is designed for local immunity and is intended to help the newborn’s immune system handle infections locally in the gut rather than establish systemic immunity. IgG, because it can pass immunity to a specific pathogen (disease-causing microorganism) from one individual to another, is therefore of much more benefit to humans past the stage of infancy.
For many generations, our ancestors have carried on the sacred ritual of celebrating the birth of a calf by consuming colostrum. There are even a number of present-day cultures that carry on the traditions of our ancestors... Today in Kenya, Masai tribesmen drink bovine colostrum by the liter. Cows are considered their most important form of wealth, and they even sing songs of praise to colostrum in recognition of the health it brings them. (4) In England and Scandinavia, colostrum is a traditional tonic and folk remedy given to the entire family in the spring to keep them healthy for the entire year. The first milking of a cow following calving is traditionally made into a pudding called beestings, to celebrate birth and promote good health. (5)
Recently, farmers and scientists have rediscovered the power of this superfood and its healing benefits, resurfacing a hidden ancestral gem and presenting it back to the modern world. The process of collecting colostrum has greatly evolved since the days of gathering the golden liquid into clay pots...
Our Grass Fed Colostrum retains ancestral properties that are otherwise absent in the modern world…
Our Grass Fed Colostrum is collected within the first 24 hours of calving, as this is essential for obtaining the richest source. The calves' needs are always met first - this is crucial to the health and immunity of the calf, as well as the preservation of the herd. Cows produce more colostrum than the calf will drink, so there is an abundance to be shared and we are not taking anything away from the calf.
Our Grass Fed Colostrum is 100% whole and intact, exactly as designed by nature, with nothing added... nothing removed. It provides all the essentials to thrive... it's loaded with immune factors, growth factors, protective proteins, cell-signaling lipids, and loads of fat-soluble activators. With such an elegant design, it makes me wonder why some modern-day manufacturers fractionate their colostrum. That's right, someone got the idea to remove the nourishing fat in order to raise the percentages of "other" highly publicized components. I'm sorry to burst your bubble but fractionated colostrum is not in harmony with nature's 150 million-year design.
It should be noted that the fat in colostrum is not “just fat” per se. It contains an array of special-purpose lipids, such as gangliosides, which are essential for nerve health and brain function. Be wary of colostrum which dissolves easily in water because it likely has been defatted.
A mother cow produces the richest colostrum immediately after she gives birth and continues to produce her golden gift for up to 24 hours, then her colostrum begins to transition to milk. Most modern-day colostrums are not collected, nor processed in a way to produce high efficacy. Many farmers will continue to collect "colostrum" from their cows for a few days after a calf is born. Any milk that is collected 24 hours after birth only contains a small amount of colostrum, and is not as potent as true first-day colostrum.
- Pasture Raised In New Zealand & Australia
- Grass-fed & Grass-Finished
- Hormone, Pesticide & GMO-Free
- Absolutely No Fillers (or) Flow Agents
- 100% Freeze Dried (or) Low-Temperature Spray Dried & Non-Defatted
- Third-Party Tested For Purity
- Allergen Free
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